The Most Powerful Prayer for Our Children

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The Most Powerful Prayer for Our Children: Both my husband and I were very happy when our children were born.

There are no words to describe how much love and happiness we feel now that we have kids. It is so much better than anything I could have dreamed of.

In my life, the word “significance” means a lot different now. I love my kids very much and only want to be with them.

Having our kids has made me think about what I want for their lives and what I pray for them.

We want our real faith to have an effect on their whole lives, and we want to leave them with a deep sense of God’s care and faith. It’s my pleasure to share the prayer I say every day for my children.

What kind of prayers do you say for your kids? What kinds of prayers will work and be strong for them? You can start praying for your kids by covering their whole body in prayer.

The Most Powerful Prayer for Our Children: Five effective ways to pray

Praying is the most important thing we can do as God’s children. Even if you and I really believe that, we won’t use it until we understand how important it is.[The Most Powerful Prayer for Our Children]

Just picture trying to cut down a tree with a hammer for a moment. Say you want to use a wrench to measure a wall. It might also occur to you that it would be smart to use a saw to make a hole in the wall. It all sounds crazy, right? What’s the point of trying to be a parent without praying? The most important thing we can do as parents is pray.

It seems like the best way for me to apply the lessons of the Bible and life is to see them first. You can say these five prayers for your child from the top of his or her head to the tips of his or her toes.


Father, please help my child think clearly. In particular, as Your Word tells us in Philippians 4:8–9, get their thoughts to think about what is good, pure, lovely, commendable, commendable, excellent, and praiseworthy.

Please help them do these things every day so that your perfect peace will rule over them.[The Most Powerful Prayer for Our Children]

The Most Powerful Prayer for Our Children

WHAT WE SAY: Lord, our words cause a lot of violence in the world. What we say can either save or kill other people. My child needs to know how important words of hope are. Be nicer to the people around them, especially the ones who are left out and forgotten. [The Most Powerful Prayer for Our Children]

Please give them kind words to use with other people. Let them know what great power words have! “There is someone whose hasty words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise heals,” says Proverbs 12:18. I am praying this over my child right now.

May the wise words that come from my child’s mouth heal. Please don’t say hurtful and rash things to other people!

The Most Powerful Prayer for Our Children


Dear God, I pray that the Gospel will reach my child’s heart. Only Jesus can save you! You use your love to draw your children to you. I pray that Your love still draws them in. They should care about people who are lost. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, according to John 14:6. That’s the only way to get to the Father. Thanks for loving my child more than I do.


Heavenly Father, help my child to be wise. May they intuit what is right and wrong. A lot of things are okay to do in life, but not all of them are important.

Believe in them so they can stand out in their groups. May they lead instead of follow. Give them a very good sense of what will make their life better and not worse! Proverbs 3:21 says to keep your sense of what is right and to be careful. I’m praying that for my kid right now!


Father, may my child’s feet go out into the world and bring Your truth with them. For their feet to go to the poor, the child, and the forgotten.[The Most Powerful Prayer for Our Children]

Could they try to give instead of receiving? Please show them how good it is to help other people. I’m asking you right now to give them mission-minded hearts in their neighborhood! Assure them that they are never too young to serve you by walking. In 1 Timothy 4:12, it says, “Don’t be laughed at because you are young.

Instead, set an example for the believers in how to speak, act, love, believe, and be pure.”Today, may You use my child for Your praise and not others’. Help me to be ready to let go of them and follow You wherever You take them, even if that means going across the world to serve others. I give them to you, Lord!

It takes self-control and commitment to ask our Heavenly Father for our children. Every day, we have to put our own goals and dreams for our kids on the altar. Prayer: Please let us know what the Lord wants for our children. Even if we don’t know what God wants, if we give up our will and let Him have it, He will bless our faithful prayers for them. Sometimes it seems like God doesn’t answer our prayers the way we want him to.

A great picture book called “I Prayed for You” shows how much a parent loves their child. There is a story about a mother bear and her young bear. She says a prayer for her child every day. Her prayers went up even before she had a child! This touching story shows how a mom prays over her child all the time. Please let us do the same![The Most Powerful Prayer for Our Children]

Why Is It Important to Pray over Our Children?

Kids have to deal with many issues, challenges, and options. From a very young age, kids decide for themselves what is right and wrong. They choose to love and be kind instead of giving in to the urge to sin. Parents can pray for their kids to help them fight.

Parents should pray for their kids because they need your thoughts. No matter what age, all children are fighting the plans of the enemy. That’s on top of the stress of school and friends. They are also figuring out their faith and how they will follow Jesus. Prayers are a big part of teaching kids about life and religion. People can pray for their children to always do the right thing.

1. A Prayer for Your Little One

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for giving me my beautiful child. I’m so thankful to see him or her grow and change. Lord, I praise you because you made my child in a way that I can’t even begin to understand. You are the one who made my child, so please help him or her learn and grow in the way that you planned.

Let me be wise, as I care for my child every day. Help me teach my child faith. Let my child be open to hearing your truth. Every day, watch out for him or her as he or she plays, meets new people, and learns about the world. Help my child love and follow you every day. Show them the way you want them to go. That my child would enjoy getting to know you, praying to you, and going to church.

Dear Lord, I trust you fully with my dear child and the days that are ahead of him or her.[The Most Powerful Prayer for Our Children]

I pray this in the name of Jesus.

2. A prayer for your teen to come to know Jesus

Oh, God,

I’m so thankful for my teen child and the person you’ve made them. Even though it can be hard to be a parent to a teen, I am thankful for this kid and know that you are with me. To the Lord, I pray that my young son or daughter will accept you as their Lord and Savior. My kid will have to decide to believe in you, give you their heart and life, and follow you every day.

Lord, help my teen make friends with the right people and connect with other Christian teens at church. Yes, I know you have good plans for my teen. Please help him or her discover the skills and purpose you have for them. Let the faith seeds I’ve planted over the years start to grow as my teen has a real faith in you.

Anything should not stop my child from choosing to know you as their Savior. It is the best choice they will ever make. Lord, thank you for hearing these words.

All of this is being asked for in the name of Jesus.

3. A Prayer for Your Grown-Up Child


As I remember taking care of my kids, I can’t believe they are now adults. I’m grateful that you let me be his or her parent. Lord, I pray that my grown child has a good day. Please help them figure out what you want them to do with their life. Make him or her trust you more. Point them in the right direction, and help them use their skills to honor you.[The Most Powerful Prayer for Our Children]

Lord, the Bible says that we are the world’s salt and light. Every day, I pray that my child will be a light to his or her family, coworkers, and anyone else he or she meets.

The Most Powerful Prayer for Our Children

You know more about my grown child’s life than I do, so I trust that you are with them. As an adult, please help my child find peace and hope in you and show them the way.

Thank you for the chance to have a bond with my adult son or daughter. May I give them wisdom and life and always be there for them. Please keep an eye on and bless my grown child.

In the name of Jesus, amen!

4. A prayer for your kid to have strong faith

Dear Heavenly Father,

It’s so nice that people believe in you. I want my child to trust you very much. No matter what my child goes through, I pray that he or she will keep believing in God. May my child’s faith last through life’s ups and downs. Lord, I pray that when things go wrong, my child will run to you.

There are hard times in my child’s life, but I pray that they will bring them closer to you. I hope that when things go well, my child will thank you for all the good things in his or her life. Please let my child know that you are a good father who loves them.[The Most Powerful Prayer for Our Children]

Lord, I want my child to always love, serve, and worship you. Let my child grow in their faith by praying a lot and reading the Bible to learn your ways. People in my child’s life should support his or her faith, and my child should be able to join a good Christian group where his or her faith can grow. Lord, thank you for hearing these words.

In the name of Jesus, amen!

5. A Prayer for Your Child to Be Smart

I love Lord,

The Bible says to ask for knowledge and get it. I pray that my child will be wise, but not wise in the way that the world thinks is smart

. I pray that they will be wise in the way that line with your truth. Every day, my kid has to deal with a lot of choices, problems, and pressures. He or she needs your advice and help. May my child be smart enough to turn away from things that are false and bad and instead cling to you and follow your path.

May my child want to be wise and follow your lessons and ways. Lord, help my child make good decisions about friends, work, and the things they need to do. I pray that my son or daughter will read your word and ask for your help. Lord, please help my child be smart and know your will and way for them.

I pray this in the name of Jesus.[The Most Powerful Prayer for Our Children]

6. A prayer for Christ to win the heart of your child

Oh, God,

God, thank you for your Son and what He did on the cross. Thank you so much for being a part of my child’s life. I lift up my child’s heart to you right now. Christ loves my child, so let them accept that love.

I pray that Jesus will win the heart of my child fully. Lord, I pray that my child will love you with all their heart, soul, and spirit. I pray that my child will not be enamored with the world or easy prey for the enemy’s plans. Instead, I want them to have a heart for you and for doing what is right. Father, please take my child’s heart and let them feel your love for them. Please help my child accept you and connect with you.

In the holy name of Jesus, I pray this. This is my prayer.

7. A Prayer for Your Kid to Be Strong


You have blessed me with a wonderful son or daughter. My prayer is that my child will be brave when things get hard. Because you are with us everywhere, the Bible tells us to be brave and not be afraid. Help my kid understand that you are with them and they don’t need to be afraid. Please give my child the strength to follow you and live the life you have planned for them. [The Most Powerful Prayer for Our Children]

Lord, you know what my kid will go through, and I pray that they will always be brave, even when things don’t go their way or they don’t know what to expect. Tell my kid that you are always with them, no matter where they are. Dear Lord, thank you for always being with my child and helping them.[The Most Powerful Prayer for Our Children]

In the name of Jesus, amen!

As a parent, we will see our kids go through a lot: big steps forward, small failures, progress, and problems. Our God is greater than all that, so we can’t keep them safe from everything. There is no doubt in our minds that God loves our children and cares for them in the best way possible. It is important for parents to pray for their kids because they can get into trouble and sin. It is important to pray for our children because it helps them deal with the problems they are facing and gives them a lot of support.

What is the prayer of blessing of children?

O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, Who, begotten in eternity, yet didst will to he born in time; Who dost love the innocence of childhood, and didst lovingly embrace and bless the little children who were brought to Thee: anticipate the needs of this child (these children) with Thy tender blessings, and grant

What are the powerful prayers?

Being a parent has been one of the most exciting and difficult things I’ve ever done. There are a lot of things that make us worry about our kids’ school, friends, and the dangers of social media. We are not the only ones who feel this way. The Bible, which is God’s GPS, gives us the directions we need to be good parents. Allow us to walk together as we try to raise our children and help them become all that God wants them to be. Here are three prayers that can help you tell them how much you want them to grow.[The Most Powerful Prayer for Our Children]

The Most Powerful Prayer for Our Children

A Prayer for ALL FEAR 

Father in heaven, don’t worry about my child; you are with them. Please give me peace as I put my kids in your strong, loving hands. I know that you are with them. Please give them the strength and courage to deal with whatever the day brings. Make my kids really feel like Jesus is with them. Amen, in the name of Jesus.

A Prayer for Kids Having Trouble at School

Father in heaven, I pray that my child will know you are with him. He should trust that you will hold his hand and tell him, “Don’t be afraid; I will help you.” May the safety of your words comfort him as he deals with his schoolwork. Give him peace of mind when he calls on you. Make him think of everything he has learned. Do not let him get down on himself. Let him be at peace. Amen, in the name of Jesus.

A prayer for the ability to fit in with others.

Heavenly Father, please keep my kids safe from the bad things their friends say about them. Please give them the strength to resist the urge to change who they are in order to be liked. Your child doesn’t have to fit in with the world’s rules. Help them remember that. Motivate them to want to be changed by your words. To help the people around them, please give them the strength to say no when they need to. Amen, in the name of Jesus. [The Most Powerful Prayer for Our Children]

A prayer to keep you safe from harm

Father in heaven, please protect my children with your angels. Watch out for them everywhere they go. As much as you can, please help them decide what they should and shouldn’t do. Know that your angels are with them to help and guard them. That will make them feel better. Amen, in the name of Jesus.

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