What are the 12 grades of prayer?

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What are the 12 grades of prayer?

Prayer is a very personal and powerful act that can happen in any society, religion, or belief system. It helps us link with something bigger than ourselves and find comfort, peace, and direction.

Throughout history, different religions have described different levels or stages of prayer, each one showing a different way to grow spiritually and connect with God. We’ll talk about the 12 levels of prayer in this blog, looking at what they mean and sharing personal stories that show how they can change things.

Why do we need 12 grades of prayer?

For spiritual growth and progress, it is important to understand the 12 levels of prayer. These grades show the different levels of union and connection with God that people can reach on their way to a higher level of union and connection.

By being aware of these steps, people can get direction, support, and a plan for growing as people. Their purpose is to help people grow closer to God by encouraging surrender, clearing the mind, and letting God’s grace and direction into their hearts. To sum up, the 12 grades of prayer are a clear and strong way to find your way on the spiritual path, which leads to deep change and union with God. [What are the 12 grades of prayer?]

What are the 12 grades of prayer?

Vocal Prayer

Some people find it easiest to pray by saying words or sentences out loud, which is called vocal prayer. It gives people structure and comfort, making it possible for them to share their feelings, wants, and thanks in a concrete way. Vocal prayer is a basis for many, giving them comfort and a sense of stability when they need it.

Thoughts for yourself: When I was a kid, I remember saying prayers before bed. The usual rhythm of the words made me feel safe. Still today, when things are unclear, saying prayers out loud makes me feel calm and safe. 

 Mental Prayer

By making you think and reflect, mental prayer goes one step further than regular prayer. Instead of relying only on written words, mental prayer pushes people to explore their deepest feelings and thoughts, which builds a stronger bond with God. 

Personal Reflection: Through meditation and mindfulness practices, I’ve explored the realm of mental prayer, allowing my thoughts to ebb and flow as I seek clarity and insight. In these moments of quiet reflection, I’ve felt a profound sense of presence and interconnectedness with the universe.

Prayer of Simplicity

Without the need for complicated words or thoughts, the prayer of simplicity stresses how important it is to give in to God’s presence. This means embracing a state of simplicity and humility and letting the divine’s grace and direction fill you.[What are the 12 grades of prayer?]

Thoughts for yourself: In times of simplicity, I’ve prayed while watching the sun go down or listening to the leaves rustle. During these times of awe and wonder, I’ve felt deeply connected to something bigger than myself—something that goes beyond words and ideas.

Prayer of Quiet

The prayer of quiet is more than just a simple phrase; it leads people to a state of inner peace and stillness. It means putting aside all other thoughts and letting your mind rest in the presence of God, where you will feel a deep sense of peace and calm.

Personal Reflection: When I’m meditating or thinking deeply, I’ve caught a glimpse of the beauty of quiet prayer. In those times, the noise of the world fades away, leaving only a deep feeling of peace and stillness. When I’m in these states, I feel truly connected to God. [What are the 12 grades of prayer?]

What are the 12 grades of prayer?

Infused Contemplation

Inspired contemplation is a gift from God. It is a state of prayer in which people are pulled closer to God through divine inspiration and illumination. It means being open to the workings of God in your mind, which can lead to deep insights and revelations.

Personal Reflection: I haven’t fully experienced infused contemplation yet, but I have had glimpses of divine inspiration and understanding during times of deep prayer and meditation. These events make me think about the peculiar and transcendent nature of prayer. 

Simple Union

At some point on the spiritual path, people feel a deep sense of unity with God. This is called a simple union. There are no longer any limits between you and others in this state. There is only a sense of oneness and unity.

Reflection: On my own spiritual path, there have been times when I’ve caught a glimpse of easy union, a feeling of being held in the arms of divine love. These are the times when I feel truly alive and linked to the source of everything. 

Prayer of Recollection

In the prayer of recollection, the soul’s scattered forces are brought together and directed toward God. It’s about clearing the mind and heart of distractions so that people can connect with the divine spirit inside them more deeply.[What are the 12 grades of prayer?]

Personal Reflection: I’ve learned about the power of remembering through practices like centering prayer and awareness. I’ve also learned how to block out the noise of the world and focus on the divine within. There has been a deep sense of connection and presence for me in these quiet times. 

What are the 12 grades of prayer?

Prayer of Quietude

The prayer of quietude makes the experience of inner stillness stronger, putting people in a state of deep peace and calm. The soul rests in the presence of the holy during this type of prayer, feeling a deep sense of calm and peace.

Personally, I’ve had times of quietude when I was deeply meditating and thinking. The busyness of my mind faded away, and all that was left was a deep sense of peace and tranquility. These are the times when I feel most connected to God. 

Ecstatic Union

People are lifted above themselves during ecstatic union, a state of prayer, into a state of rapture and happiness. Through this spiritual experience, the soul is joined with God in a deep and personal way that goes beyond the limits of the physical world.

Thoughts for yourself: Even though ecstatic union may seem hard to find, I’ve felt awe and wonder in nature, where the beauty and power of nature have left me speechless. I’ve had a strong sense of being connected to something bigger than myself, like a glimpse of God’s presence. [What are the 12 grades of prayer?]


Spiritual Marriage

Spiritual marriage is the highest point of the spiritual path. It is where the soul joins with the divine in a tie of love and unity. It’s a state of giving up everything and emptiness, where the person becomes one with God’s will and purpose.

Thoughts for yourself: Even though the idea of a spiritual marriage may seem ideal, there have been times when I completely gave up and forgot about myself in prayer when divine love washed away my own wants and needs. These are the times when I feel most in line with God’s plan. 


Transforming Union

In a prayer state known as “transforming union,” the person experiences a change as a result of God’s presence and becomes a conduit for God’s grace and love to spread throughout the world. There are no longer any barriers between you and others in this mystical experience. There is only a sense of unity and connection.

Thoughts for yourself: Changing unions may seem like a far-off goal, but in prayer, I’ve had moments of deep change where old habits and patterns have fallen away and new options have come to the fore. These are the times when I feel most alive and linked to God’s plan. 

Transforming Union in Active Contemplation

The highest level of prayer is active participation in the world, where people show the presence of God through their words, actions, and thoughts. In this state of prayer, a person becomes a living example of God’s love and compassion, sending light and grace to everything around them.

What are the 12 grades of prayer?

Thoughts for yourself: When I think about how hard I’m trying to get better at prayer, I remember that the spiritual journey is a lifelong process of growth and change. With each step, I learn something new that gets me closer to the divine presence that is inside and around me.[What are the 12 grades of prayer?]

Conclusion: What are the 12 grades of prayer?

In closing, learning about the 12 levels of prayer has been enlightening and has shown how spiritual growth and connection can take many forms. Through my own experiences and thoughts, I’ve learned that prayer is more than just a routine. It’s a way to connect with God more deeply.

As I’ve gone through times of silent meditation, loud prayers, and quiet reflection, each grade has taught me something new. In my own prayer life, I may not have hit the highest level of spiritual marriage or transforming union, but I have felt deeply connected and at peace at times.

What are the 12 grades of prayer?

Not only do these grades help, but they also tell us that prayer opens up a world of endless possibilities. They tell me to stay humble, keep going, and keep an open heart on my spiritual path because each step gets me closer to the divine presence that lives inside and around me.

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